Wood & Honey
I had a dream about candles and bees…this is how it transpired.
What started out as a simple dream back in 2019, has turned into my full-time reality.
A healthy lifestyle, holistic and mindful practices, and whole body wellness have always been of interest, present, and incorporated in my families day to day living. I’ve been a yoga instructor for over 9 years, and have even led international yoga retreats to Iceland and Italy. My love for the outdoors and trust in Mother Nature's ability to provide what we need, has fueled my passion in creating non-toxic beeswax based products for your family and home.
My dream of candles and bees inspired me to research, learn, and eventually acquire my own bee colony for my backyard. I became fascinated with all the different ways beeswax could be used and began researching and experimenting with product ideas. Making candles, blossomed into beeswax melts and from there, lotions, salves, and other natural products.
Wood + Honey is truly from my home to yours - a growing family business rooted in honest practices with the intention to provide nothing but high quality products for you, your family and your home. I’m a single mom of three amazing kiddos complete with our dog Bea. I enjoy anything outdoors such as hiking, camping, on a mountain or in a river. Country, bluegrass and classic rock are on the playlist. And whiskey…oh how I love me some good Kentucky bourbon!
Wood + Honey was born from a dream and now a true testament that dreams really do come true.
Take care, and may you always BEE Well,